Succesfull 2nd European Chamber HR Conference Go back »

2006-10-10 | Shanghai

Succesfull 2nd European Chamber HR Conference

On December 4th, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai held a full day conference - "HR Challenges 2007 - Meet the Insiders" - in the Hilton hotel. The conference, which was attended by about 200 professionals, coming from Shanghai and neighbouring provinces aimed to meet the individual needs of each delegate and foster a discussion on how to possibly tackle pressing HR topics.

In his keynote address, Didier Baudrand, President of BP Asian Petrochemicals & Venture Business, explained that HR is to be viewed as one of the key elements underlying a company’s business success in China. As such, HR strategies have to be thought through very extensively and implemented in a systematic way. In particular, Mr. Baudrand insisted that discussions on ways to build an effective and loyal workforce should go beyond HR process improvement but also lead to a discussion on ways to align company values with individual values. Mr. Baudrand also mapped out the current HR challenges and drew a HR scenario for China in the year 2020.

Building on Mr. Baudrands’ insights on the crucial role of a fully functioning HR, the conference aimed to provide attendees with detailed information on current HR challenges and to give practical and easy to implement advice on ways to effectively deal with these issues.

In the morning plenary sessions, moderated by the HR Working Group Chairmen Fabien Guerin and Stephen Green, the HR managers of Accor, Unisono and Degussa, alongside with consultants from Mercer and Thomas International presented today’s key HR issues in relation to recruitment and leadership. Through cases studies and discussion, they presented ways to apprehend these issues.

As the conference was also meant to be a platform for networking and information exchange amongst HR professionals, the two morning panels were complemented by a series of practical workshops in the afternoon. These enabled attendees to meet directly with HR professionals from Aspecto Asia, Baker & McKenzie, Carrefour, Hella Trading, Hewitt, InBev, MRI, Progress U, Roche Pharmaceutical on issues of their choice. The roundtables covered issues such as the legal environment for HR, pitfalls in recruitment, recruitment channels and processes, and effective retention and leadership programs.

Running concurrently with the Conference was an HR Vendors' Expo with 15 exhibitors working in different fields of HR showcasing their companies. Gold conference sponsors included Baker & McKenzie, Celemi, Deloitte, Mercer, MRI, Randstad and Taiping Life. The silver sponsors were Asian Express, Aspecto Asia, Cima, Competence, New Concept Mandarin, Progress U, Talent Spheres Group and Shi Bisset & Associates. Sponsors used the opportunity to get in touch with delegates and introduce their solutions.

For the first time the Chamber welcomed South China Morning Post and Shanghai Daily as media partners of the annual HR Conference.

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