Chinese New Year Cocktail Networking Event & Farewell Party for Marco Gasparroni Go back »

2007-01-10 | South China

Chinese New Year Cocktail Networking Event & Farewell Party for Marco Gasparroni

The Pearl River Delta (PRD) Chapter of the European Chamber of Commerce in China hosted its first Networking Cocktail in 2007 and the farewell party for the former General Manager and founder of the PRD Chapter, Mr. Marco Gasparroni, at “The Mansion” in Guangzhou, on the 9th of January.

The Event was attended by high-level guests from the national Chambers of Commerce, Consulates General in Guangzhou and the industry comunity of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Members and Non-Members had the opportunity to chat in a relaxing environment and get to know more about each other.

A big variety of guests came to start with the European Chamber in a new and successful year of communication, networking, and business.

At the entrance everybody could get a glass of sparkling wine or orange jucie as a small welcome gift.

The Chairman of the PRD Chapter, Roel Bruysters, delivered a speech about the good working atmosphere between the European Chamber and the national chambers and thanked Mr. Gasparroni for his contribution to establishment of PRD Chapter. During his speech he also welcomed Mrs. Francine Hadjisotiriou, the new General Manager of the PRD Chapter.

Mrs. Hadjisotiriou said that she appreciates the work of Mr. Gasparroni and that she hopes that the year of 2007 will be as successful as the year of 2006 for the European Chamber and its members. She promissed that the networking event will take place in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

On that evening, we also had the great to have Ms. Jutta Gilber, the Vice Consul General from Germany, joined the event as a Representative of the German EU Presidency. She said that the EU Embassies, the Consulates General and the Chambers of Commerce should feel and act like Chinese companies. She emphasized that those organizations already help Chinese companies to do their business in China and Europe.

After the speeches there were also wine and canaps served. The guests could stay outside in the nice garden of the location or could go inside to get another cocktail and enjoy the nice decorated environment of the location.

Since Europe will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2007, the European Chamber of Commerce will host even more events and celebration parties in 2007 as well as the Embassies of the 27 member states, the German EU Presidency and the Delegation of EU Commission in Beijing.

The PRD Chapter started this year celebration activity with this successful Networking Cocktail and is already planning more events like these to come. The PRD Chapter thanks everybody who joined this event and made it a good time for everyone.