400 SMEs to Meet in Chengdu for Business Cooperation Go back »

2007-05-14 | Beijing

400 SMEs to Meet in Chengdu for Business Cooperation

The EU Project Incubation Centre (EUPIC) in Chengdu is currently engaged with the preparation for the ’EU-Chengdu SMEs Matchmaking & Cooperation Incubation Event’  that will be held in November 2007 in Chengdu. The event provides 100 EU and 300 Sichuan companies the unique opportunity to set-up partnerships and reach cooperation agreements.

On the 8th and 9th of November over 100 European and 300 local companies will meet in Chengdu for the ‘EU-Chengdu SMEs Matchmaking & Cooperation Incubation Event’. Participants will include companies from Sichuan province and the following eight European countries: Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands and UK. The target industries are Information Technology, Machinery Manufacturing, Building Materials and Environment Protection. Around 2500 business meetings will take place during the event. Effective face-to-face interlocution helps participants to reach formal cooperation agreements and a success rate of 30% during the event. A professional training seminar for participating companies, free interpreter service and an intensive follow-up period are additional features of the event

During the preparation phase of 12 months, EUPIC identifies suitable Chinese companies and matches them computer-supported with potential European partners. The whole project is implemented according to the technical specification and methodology of the Asia-Invest Programme. Besides that, the European Commission and Chinese Authorities supervise the whole process to guarantee efficiency and effectiveness of the event. The ‘EU-Chengdu SMEs Matchmaking & Cooperation Incubation Event’ is part of the EU’s broader 35 million Euro Asia-Invest II Programme.

The event is jointly sponsored by the European Commission and Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce and executed by EUPIC. The eight involved European partner organizations support EUPIC especially with the acquisition with companies from the European side.

By the end of May 2007, representatives of EUPIC will visit Europe to support the partner organizations in terms of event promotion and company recruitment. A first promotion seminar held in the middle of March in Chengdu has shown the large interest of local SMEs to participate in the upcoming event. Over 150 Sichuan firms have attended the seminar that has been jointly organized by CHZISC and EUPIC.

As the only EU Project Incubation Centre in whole China, EUPIC Chengdu aims at becoming a business communication platform for EU and China. The ’EU-Chengdu SMEs Matchmaking & Cooperation Incubation Event’ shall be the first step of a set of events that foster trade, investment flows and technology transfer between EU and China, in particular Western China. Eight European intermediary business organizations, including Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Governmental Trade Agencies, have already opened their offices in EUPIC to help EU SMEs to start and grow their businesses. Meanwhile Chinese companies can contact EUPIC to get first-hand business information about the European market and ease therefore the market access in Europe. It is expected that until the end of 2008 all European member states are represented in the EU Project Incubation Centre Chengdu to leverage new business opportunities. Meanwhile European companies can contact EUPIC to find investment opportunities and potential business partners. In addition, EUPIC offers free (3-6 months) office facilities for potential EU companies in order to help them during their start-up phase in China.

Local companies interested in participating in the event or in EUPIC can get in contact via:
Tel: +86 (0)28 8533 6811
Fax: +86 (0)28 8533 6767
Email: info@euincubator.org
Application forms can be downloaded from: www.euincubator.org

Companies from our eight EU partner countries (Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands, UK) should get in contact with our partner organizations. Contact details can be found on www.euincubator.org .

Companies from other EU member states, please get in contact with EUPIC directly:
Tel: +86 (0)28 8533 5757
Fax: +86 (0)28 8533 6767
Email: info@euincubator.org
Application forms can be downloaded from: www.euincubator.org