Business Networking in Shenzhen in August Go back »

2007-08-31 | South China

Business Networking in Shenzhen in August

The European Chamber Pearl River Delta chapter has organized the Business Networking in Shenzhen for the second time on August 28.

It was a very successful event where members and friends of the European Chamber met and discussed specific topics during dinner. This time the discussed topics were Local Bureaus – how to deal with them, Supply Chain in Pearl River Delta, Food Safety & Health, Current Tax Reforms in China, and Human Resources – Cultural Miscommunications.

There was also enough time for a free networking before and after dinner. Moreover, the participants had the chance to meet some members of the board and the chairman of the Pearl River Delta chapter.

Due to the positive feedback we got from the participants, the European Chamber is organizing a similar event on the 27th of September in Guangzhou.

The Business Networking is a good event to meet other members of the chamber with the same interests.