Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Launch Urgent Appeal in Wake of Cyclone Sidr Go back »

2007-11-19 | All chapters

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Launch Urgent Appeal in Wake of Cyclone Sidr With Cyclone Sidr’s reported death toll now climbing above 2,300, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is appealing for 4 million Swiss francs (RMB 26.6 million / EUR 2.4 million) to assist 235,000 people affected by the devastating storm. Sidr hit the coast of Bangladesh on 15th November at 6:45 PM local time and reached the capital Dhaka in the early hours of the next morning. Although the storm has now weakened, it has left a trail of unimaginable destruction in its wake. Local authorities are reporting that at least 2,300 people have been confirmed dead, with thousands of others injured or missing. There are also reports that 150 fishing trawlers and their crews are still unaccounted for, having failed to return to shore before the storm hit. Thousands of homes were ripped apart by ferocious winds, and tracts of farmland have been severely damaged.

To find out more information on how you or your company can help, please click here or visit the website of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (