Green light for Tianjin eco-city's draft plan Go back »

2008-04-10 | Tianjin

Green light for Tianjin eco-city's draft plan

THE Singapore and Chinese authorities have endorsed a draft masterplan for their joint eco-city project in Tianjin after a meeting in the Republic yesterday.
The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco- City will be situated in the bustling northern port city of China.

Yesterday's meeting was co- chaired by Singapore's National Development Minister, Mr Mah Bow Tan, and China's Vice-Minister for Housing and Rural-Urban Construction, Mr Qiu Baoxing.

The masterplan, developed by a team that includes the Urban Redevelopment Authority, will guide land use and development of the eco-city. It reflects the shared vision for a city that is 'environmentally friendly, socially harmonious and economically sustainable'.

The masterplan includes proposals for a Light Rapid Transit line and for natural areas such as wetlands and rivers to be preserved.

All buildings will conform to green standards, and the use of clean and renewable energy will be promoted there.

Further refinements will be made when the masterplan goes for public consultation later this month. It will then be submitted to the Chinese authorities for approval.

Work has already begun on detailed plans for the first three sq km phase of the project. These plans will be reviewed at the next meeting in Tianjin next month.