Bohai Ring economy expected to be 30 percent of GDP in 2010 Go back »

2008-05-04 | Tianjin

Bohai Ring economy expected to be 30 percent of GDP in 2010

China's first Blue Book on the Bohai Ring, "Annual Report on Economic Development of Region over Bohai Ring," compiled by Zhou Liqun, Professor of Nankai University, was recently published. The report predicts that in 2010, the proportion of the Bohai Ring regional economy will make up to 30 percent of China's GDP; and the total economic output will reach 8.72 trillion yuan.

The Blue Book points out that following the Pearl River Delta in the 1980s, and the Yangtze River Delta in the 1990s, the Bohai Ring region is considered the third pole of growth in China's economy. Having entred into the 21st century, along with the shift in China's regional economic center northward, the importance of the Bohai Ring economic circle gradually emerged.

The Blue Book analyzes that of the total economic volume, economic growth of the Bohai economic circle is steadily rising. In 2006, the GDP of the five provinces and municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong) in the Bohai Sea Ring reached 5.47754 trillion yuan, and occupied 26.16 percent of China's GDP, nearly the sum of that in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. The economic growth rate of these three major areas are much higher than the national average.