Introduction from Pascal Hermandesse Go back »

2008-06-19 | Southwest China

Dear Members,

The harrowing consequences of the 12th May earthquake will have a deep and lasting effect on Sichuan and its community, and my thoughts go out to all the families affected by the tragedy.

But what has struck me in the weeks following the disaster has been the effort made by everyone - private individuals and public organisations - to come to the aid of those in need.

The governments response, both swift and efficient, has impressed me greatly as has the mobilisation of the expatriate community in Chengdu and elsewhere towards a shared goal of earthquake relief. It seems everyone has tried to do something, however big or small.

Despite these difficult times, I am proud to introduce the first issue of the Chengdu Voice. The newsletter is designed for you, our local members, so I invite all of you who have any contributions or suggestions for future issues to please get in touch with our editorial staff.


Pascal Hermandesse,
Chair of Chengdu Board, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China