EU Expresses Condolence and an Update on EU Aid Go back »

2008-05-19 | All chapters

EU expresses condolence and an update on EU aid

EU flag flies at half mast in Beijing as period of national mourning begins
To mark the beginning of three days of national mourning for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake, the Delegation of the European Commission to China flew the EU flag at half mast today. The flag will remain at half mast until the conclusion of the mourning period as a mark of respect for the dead and of sympathy and solidarity with their families and loved ones at this time of tremendous sadness and grief.
Also this morning, EU Ambassador Serge Abou visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing to sign the Book of Condolences for the victims of the quake. On this sad occasion, Ambassador Abou said: "The thoughts of all Europeans are today with the Chinese people. The plight of all the victims, both living and dead, has touched the hearts of all of us following this terrible disaster. The EU will continue to help with relief efforts." 









EU leaders express sympathy and support
Following the earthquake last Monday afternoon, EU President Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso, in a letter to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, immediately offered his sympathies and the support of the EU for relief and rescue efforts.
EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Mr. Louis Michel also authorised the dispatch of a specialised assessment team to Sichuan province. On the basis of the team's report he ordered the release of €2 million towards the immediate relief efforts.  This contribution will be channelled mostly through the International Federation of the Red Cross, and possibly other partners, and will be used to provide relief supplies to the worst affected areas, including tents, quilts, clothing, food parcels and water purification.
Aid from EU member states continues to flow into China; tops 10 million euro
Since the earthquake last Monday afternoon, individual EU member states have also offered aid and assistance in various forms to the stricken region.
So far, total aid in kind - including emergency food supplies, medical equipment and temporary shelter - has reached well over 3 million euro, while total financial assistance is now at around 6.5 million euro.
A number of relief flights carrying food, medical equipment and tents, have also touched down in Chengdu to help with the relief effort.
So far, two Italian, one Spanish, one French and one Czech plane have delivered supplies, while another Italian flight is expected, along with other relief planes from Ireland, Austria and Norway, in the coming days.
The German Red Cross will deliver a mobile hospital mid next week to the area which will be able to accommodate up to 120 patients and provide medical care for up to 250,000 people.
This government aid is also being complemented by donations to the tune of several million euro from EU companies with operations in China as well as many ordinary EU citizens currently living and working in China.
