Nanjing Ready to Launch Project of Wireless Broadband City This Year Go back »

2008-06-20 | Nanjing

According to a recently-issued report on accelerating the construction of the wireless broadband city, unlimited wireless internet access will be available in the city of Nanjing within the next two years. Besides, the city, says the report, is ready to launch its project of building a wireless broadband city this year. By the end of next year, an area of 600 square kilometers will be provided with unlimited internet access.

To provide both companies and private citizens in Nanjing with convenient and fast wireless internet service, the report proposed to the municipal government and departments concerned the plan to establish a network of wireless internet access covering the whole city, a network of high quality and efficiency within the next two years. According to the proposal, completion of such a project consists of two phases of construction: the first phase, to be finished by the end of this year, concentrates on creating 8,000 wireless internet access spots in governmental buildings, major transportation roads, commercial blocks and streets, public square, airport and train stations, hotels and restaurants, office buildings as well as university campuses. All places mentioned above, covering an area of 300 square kilometers, are places where convenient internet access is greatly needed. The second phase, to be finished by the end of next year, will focus on providing and maintaining services of network set up during the first phase, meanwhile, new internet access spots within the city are to be added.

Emphasis of the second phase is systematically widen the coverage of the network to as large as 600 square meters and more.

At present, the number of wireless internet users in Nanjing is 100,000. 468 places in all have access to wireless internet.