Open Call: Science & Technology Fellowships in China Go back »

2008-06-24 | All chapters

Open Call: Science & Technology Fellowships in China 

The Science & Technology Fellowship Programme (STF-China) will give thirty researchers from EU Member States the opportunity to conduct their own research project in a Chinese host institution. This is a pilot phase of an European Commission action in China aiming at building bridges between the EU and China in the field of Science & Technology.

The purpose of the STF-China is to:

facilitate participation of outgoing European researchers in Chinese research and development programmes establish sustainable links and research partnerships between EU and Chinese research institutions and between individual researchers

STF-China offers financial support of approximately 50.500 Euros per fellow.
It is planned to run for 24 months, including:

a two-day pre-departure briefing in Brussels a six-month tailor-made Chinese language and research culture training in Beijing an 18-month practical research period in a Chinese host organisation.

The main objective of the group language training is to help the STF participants gain Chinese language skills and familiarize themselves with Chinese research culture through carefully designed curriculum, workshops and visits. Interaction with other fellows is major part of this experience. The initial program foresees 2 weeks intercultural training; an average of 20 hours per week class-room language teaching (including language laboratory); minimum of 2 hours per week private language tutoring; minimum of 3 hours per week research-related thematic lectures and seminars; minimum of 2 days per month visit programme.

The STF-China programme is open for research proposals from all disciplines as well as interdisciplinary projects. The applicants must hold an EU passport and have a minimum of 2 years practical research work experience.
A European Sending Organisation may be any public or private scientific or research & development institution from the EU that has either already established or can convincingly demonstrate an interest in establishing scientific co-operation with China.
The Chinese Host Organisation shall be any Chinese National Research Laboratory or University laboratory. At the time of applying for the STF China Programme, the applicant shall propose a host institution in China in which he/she plans to carry out the practical research and present an invitation letter from them.
The programme will be implemented through centralised direct management with overall management responsibility by the EC Delegation to China and Mongolia. The intake of EU researchers constitutes a Preparatory Action which will allow the European Commission to prepare proposals in 2010 with a view to the adoption of future actions of this kind.

The deadline to apply is: 5th September 2008 and the programme will start in March 2009.
For more details about STF-China please visit: