Forty-five ASEM members to attend 7th ASEM summit Go back »

2008-06-30 | All chapters

Forty-five ASEM members to attend 7th ASEM summit

Leaders from 45 members of the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) group will attend the 7th ASEM summit in Beijing on Oct. 24 and 25.

The theme of the summit, "Vision and Action: Towards a Win-win Solution," was announced at the launch of the ASEM 7 website ( and the unveiling of the ASEM 7 logo.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and foreign officials attending the ASEM Senior Official Meeting attended the ceremony.

Yang said ASEM had become an important channel of dialogue and cooperation for Asia and Europe over more than a decade, which enhanced contact among Asian and European countries and promoted people-to-people communication.

The logo of the 7th ASEM summit is a Chinese knot made up of the initial letters of "Asia and Europe," a symbol of cooperation and harmony between Asia and Europe.

The ceremony also commenced an ASEM 7 official website to provide information of the 7th ASEM summit.

The 45 ASEM members are the 27 member states of the European Union, the 10 ASEAN nations, and six other Asian countries -- Japan, China, the Republic of Korea, India, Mongolia and Pakistan.
