Asia IPR Regulatory Framework Seminar in China Go back »

2008-07-15 | All chapters

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China successfully hosted the Asia IPR Regulatory Framework Seminar in Shanghai, China on the 10th and 11th of July 2008.

The event brought together government officials and legal experts in the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) from China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam for the purpose of comparatively examining the IPR framework in each of these countries for the benefit of both European and Asian enterprises.

Over 200 attendees were there to listen to presentations and take part in panel discussions regarding the legal framework for protection of Trade Marks, Patents and Copyrights in the respective countries.

This event was funded by the European Commission’s Asia Invest Programme and is the first seminar of the Asia Invest European Business Organisations Asian Regional IPR Protection Project on Asian IPR Regulatory Framework which is a two-year project running until November 2008.

The overall aim of the project is to encourage networking between European and Asian business organisations and to promote the transfer of know-how between the two regions.

There will be a follow-up seminar on enforcement and border control on the 28th and 29th of August 2008 in Jakarta, Indonesia. All presentations from these events and further information can be found on the official website –