Chengdu EUCCC welcomes new General Manager Go back »

2008-07-18 | Southwest China

Zhou is originally from Chengdu and holds a Masters degree in Marketing and International Management from the Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, France. She graduated with a degree in English from Sichuan Normal University. She has worked for a number of French companies in France, and most recently in Shanghai in project management and business development roles. She speaks both French and English.

The Voice: What plans do you have for European Chamber in Chengdu?

Zhou Yue:
 In the first few months, I want to meet with our members and find out their needs, expectations and their requirements. After that, according to what our members want, I will develop activities.

I would like to develop more focused Working Groups. For example, we will have an HR Working Group that will focus more on HR managers and also a forum with a focus on tax that will be of interest to CFOs and tax managers. In short, I want Working Groups that target the specific needs of our members, to organise seminars and to show clearly the benefits of membership.

I also want the staff members of member companies to get more out of membership. We will look to organise seminars on Saturdays and have all-day activities that can involve everyone. At the other end, we will organise round-table meetings for top managers. Top managers have different expectations compared to their Chinese staff.

TV: What role should the European Chamber be playing for its members?

ZY: It should be an instigator of mutual exchanges, as well as a platform for information distribution. It is also a link to local authorities and a defender of the rights of European companies in China.

TV: You see Chengdu as a city with potential?

ZY: Sure, great potential. Sichuan is looking for any possible investment and collaboration from foreign companies. From the government side of things, foreign companies are very welcome. Secondly, economically speaking, Sichuan and Chengdu, especially after the earthquake, have shown great potential in economic development.

In past years, Chengdu's economic growth compared with other CHinese cities was near the top of the ranking. The people here in Chengdu are more willing to have exchanges with outside investors. Also, the investment cost is low compared to the east, the investment barrier is much less and labour costs are also lower.

TV: Is that why you have come back to Chengdu after a number of years of being away?

ZY: Firstly, Chengdu is my home town. Secondly, life is more comfortable in Chengdu and culturally I am much more comfortable here. I want to help develop my home town.  The role I want to play is as an interface between the west and my hometown.