Regulations of the Main Duties, Internal Structures, and Staff of SIPO released Go back »

2008-07-23 | All chapters

The State Council General Office approved the Regulations of the Main Duties, Internal Structures, and Staff of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) on 11 July 2008. The Chinese version of the regulations was released on the SIPO website on 21 July 2008.


The European Chamber is pleased to provide you with a machine translation of the new Regulations courtesy of LOVELLS:

Notice of the General Office of the State Council Concerning the Printing and Distributing of the Regulations of the Main Duties, Internal Structures, and Staff of the State Intellectual Property Office

The General Office of the State Council prints and issues the Notice of the General Office of the State Council Concerning the Printing and Distributing of the Regulations of the Main Duties, Internal Structures, and Staff of the State Intellectual Property Office to each provincial, autonomous region, and municipal people's governments, Ministries of the State Council, and subordinate organizations. Now the Regulations of the Main Duties, Internal Structures, and Staff of the State Intellectual Property Office have been approved by the State Council and are now issued for distribution.

General Office of the State Council People's Republic of China

11 July 2008

Regulations of the Main Duties, Internal Structures, and Staff of State Intellectual Property Office

According to the Notice of the State Council Concerning the Establishment of Organizations (State Council Issued (2008) No. 11), the State Intellectual Property Office (Vice-Ministerial Level) is a directly subordinate institution to the State Council.

1. Main Responsibilities
一. 主要职责

(1) Responsible for organizing the coordination of the national intellectual property protection work and promoting the construction of the intellectual property protection system. Jointly with related departments establishing an intellectual property rights enforcement coordination mechanism, as well as develop the related administrative enforcement tasks. Develop the publicity of intellectual property protection. Jointly with related departments organize the implementation of the National IPR Strategy Outline.

(2) Undertake responsibility for standardizing basic patent management procedures. Preparing the initial drafts of intellectual property laws and regulations that are patent related. Drafting and implementing the policies and systems of patent management. Drafting policy measures for standardizing patent technology transactions. Assisting local departments in handling and mediating that involve patent infringement cases. Investigating and punishing acts of patent counterfeiting and patent passing-off. Jointly with related departments guide and standardize the task of evaluating intangible intellectual property.

(3) Draft the intellectual property foreign task policy. Research the development state of foreign intellectual property. Make arrangements for coordination concerning foreign related intellectual property rights. According to the division of labour develop negotiations for foreign related intellectual property rights. Develop international communication for patent work, cooperation and dialog activities.

(4) Draft the national development plan for patents and enact the patent work plan. Approve the patent work plan and be responsible for the construction of the national patent information public service system. Jointly with related departments spread the use of patent information, undertake the task of compiling patent statistics.

(5) Enact patent and integrated circuit layout determination standards. Designate an organization to manage the authentication of rights. Enact patent and integrated circuit layout design infringement standards. Enact development and supervision policy measures for the patent agency service system.

(6) Organize the development of patent laws and regulations, as well as the policy of widespread publicity. According to the regulations organize the plan for intellectual property education and training.

(7) Undertake other matters assigned by the State Council.

2.  Internal organizations
According to the above-mentioned responsibilities the State Intellectual Property Office has established 7 internal organizations (vice-departmental and ministerial level):
二.  内设机构

(1) Office Department
It is responsible for communications, conference affairs, confidentiality, the daily organizational work, archives/filing, etc. Undertakes work regarding information, security, confidentiality and petition work. Undertake policy research in the area, make government affairs public as well as the organizations financial affairs, administrative affairs and other management tasks. Organize the development of intellectual property publicity.

(2) Treaty and Law Department
Coordinate plans for drafting and amending intellectual property international treaties. Make plans for foreign negotiations relating to intellectual property. Prepare the drafts of intellectual property laws relating to patents. Provide an amended patent law, as well as laws for integrated circuit design protection and patent agency regulations. These include the opinions as well as the drafts. This organization also drafts the negotiation standards for authenticating rights and infringement. The Treaty and Law Department also prepares policies for the development of a patent agency service system.

(3) Protection Coordination Department
The Protection Coordination Department undertakes organizational coordination for the national protection of intellectual property. It also undertakes intellectual property enforcement coordination of organizations and related administrative enforcement tasks. Another task is implementing the National Intellectual Property Rights Strategy Outline.

(4) Department of International Cooperation (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan office)
The Department of International Cooperation drafts the intellectual property foreign task policies. It also researches the development state of foreign intellectual property. Other responsibilities also include undertaking overall arrangements for the coordination of foreign intellectual property. Some specific responsibilities also involved undertaking patent related work concerning international communication, cooperation and dialogue activities. They must also undertake related patent and intellectual property matters involving Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

(5) Patent Management Department
Drafting and implementing policies and measures for patent management. The Patent Management Department must also draft policies for standard patent technology transactions. They are also responsible for guiding and standardizing the evaluation task of intellectual property intangible assets. Some other responsibilities include guiding the handling and mediation of patent disputes in local areas, investigating and punishing acts of patent counterfeiting and patent passing-off.

(6) Plan Development Department
This organization will draft the national patent development plan, and the system for establishing organizations financial affairs, commodity, and the capital construction plan. Guide and supervise the task of constructing the national patent information public assistance system. Undertake the task of compiling patent statistics. Guide and supervise the subordinate unit's finance and state asset supervisory work.

(7) Personnel Department
The cadre ranks in the undertaking organization and the directly subordinate unit will build the related personnel management, and organization staffing matters. They will also draft the related intellectual property rights education and training work plan, and this will be specifically undertaken by the cadres who are retiring from work. The organization Party Committee will be responsible for the party work in the directly subordinate units in Beijing.

3. Staff
There is 85 administrative staff in the State Intellectual Property Office (3 staff are Commission members). Amongst which there is: 1 Commissioner, 4 Assistant Commissioners, 19 Deputy Commissioners (including Party Committee Special Deputy Secretaries of the Organization).
三. 人员编制

4. Other items
四. 其他事项

(1) The division of work for responsibilities concerning foreign intellectual property rights. The State Intellectual Property Office arrangement for coordinating intellectual property rights will see the Ministry of Commerce as responsible for both sides regarding foreign negotiations of intellectual property rights. They will also be responsible for bilateral intellectual property rights cooperative consultation mechanisms and coordination of domestic standpoints.

(2) The establishment of subordinate units, their responsibilities and staff matters will be issued in separate regulations.

5. Supplementary articles
五. 附则

The General Office of the Commission for Establishing Government Organizations will be responsible for explaining these regulations, and the General Office of the Commission for Establishing Government Organizations will regulate these according to the procedures stipulated.


The Chinese language version can be found at the following link (