Farewell to Marketing Manager Ms. Yini Zhang Go back »

2008-07-31 | Nanjing

After a year and a half with the Chamber's Nanjing Chapter the time has come for us to say farewell to Marketing Manager Yini Zhang. Over Yini's time with the Chamber starting first as Office Manager before moving to the position of Marketing Manager a year ago, her most notable and lasting achievement has been the successful introduction of 'The Voice – Nanjing Focus'. This newsletter represents a deviation from national services and a serious effort to deliver a Chamber service for the Nanjing Market, Yini has done a great job making this new service a success.

Yini's sense of humour, good nature and professionalism will be missed by all Nanjing staff. Please join me in wishing her the best of luck in all future endeavours. Yini's replacement will begin in early September.