The Private Equity and Strategic M&A Working Group Established Go back »

2008-09-02 | All chapters

The Private Equity and Strategic M&A Working Group Established

The Private Equity and Strategic M&A Sub Working Group was established within the Banking & Securities Working Group under the guidance of Mr. Andre-Loesekrug Pietri of CEL Partners and Mr. Serge Janssens de Vaerebeke of Fortis on the 19th of January 2008. The Executive Committee approved the establishment of the group as an independent National Working Group at its monthly meeting on the 26th of August. The Working Group will have monthly meetings held alternatively in Beijing and Shanghai.

The group’s objective is to establish itself as a platform of information exchange for its members as well as with the Chinese and European authorities and seeks to be included as a knowledgeable partner for all government-linked or industry related groups that are working on the future of the Private Equity industry in China.

The Working Group will focus its attention on the following issues:

1/ M&A regulations, aimed at facilitating the investment in promising Chinese companies, should give investors more certainty in what is possible, removing as many grey areas as possible

2/ Listing procedures, aimed at facilitating the access to national and international capital markets, should be unified and more listing places opened, especially in today’s difficult environment.

3/ Confirmation of the PE regulations, favorable tax regimes and high standards should be achieved on a level playing field for both onshore and offshore funds, in order to stabilize ten years of continuous support of the industry.

4/ Integration of the European players within the ongoing regulatory discussions, in particular with NDRC, MOFCOM, SAFE, CSRC in order to benefit from their international experience in this very dynamic industry.

For more information on the Working Group please do not hesitate to contact Gregory Van Bellinghen, in Beijing or Derval Usher, in Shanghai