Eighth Annual Position Paper Report Go back »

2008-09-12 | All chapters

"European Chamber’s eighth annual Position Paper reports business optimism but seeks increased transparency and fairness."

Shanghai, 10th September 2008. The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China today launched its annual European Business in China Position Paper 2008/2009. This year’s Position Paper indicates that European companies are generally optimistic about their business in China, but their concerns remain about market access, transparency, intellectual property rights (IPR) and environmental sustainability. Economic Nationalism appears to be a growing concern. Joerg Wuttke, President of the European Chamber, commented in Beijing, “Strong economic growth continues to help the business environment, but trade barriers and investment hurdles are getting more sophisticated. European business could contribute more to China’s economy if our companies shared a level playing field with their domestic competitors. When we call for further improvements in market access, transparency and IPR protection in this Position Paper, we are not just asking for better opportunities for our companies. We also see these improvements as vital for improving EU-China trade relations and for stimulating innovation in the Chinese economy. Most importantly, our recommendations would help China build a strong modern economy without paying an unacceptable price in terms of human health and environmental degradation.” This year’s Position Paper is composed of 29 individual papers prepared by the European Chamber’s 23 Working Group and 6 Forums. It outlines the views and concerns of European companies in China and sets out what European businesses hope will be seen as constructive proposals for improving the business environment. European business is committed to a constructive dialogue, and strongly believes that maintaining and increasing openness in both directions is vital for the continued growth of both the EU and Chinese economies. Marianne Friese, Secretary General of the European Chamber said, “The Chinese leadership’s affirmation of the importance of innovation, openness and competition is encouraging. We firmly support China’s efforts to ensure a sustainable balanced growth, and have made more than 300 recommendations in this edition of Position Paper to support this and other goals.” The European Business in China Position Paper 2008/2009 will be presented to government and regulatory agencies in China, to the European Commission and EU Member State Governments, and to a wide range of business organisations and companies in China and Europe. Following the public launch of the Position Paper across China, members of the European Chamber will travel to Brussels to brief senior officials at the European Commission.