Grand Opening of Smit (Nanjing) Leather Chemicals Co., Ltd. Go back »

2008-09-20 | Nanjing

With the total investment of 9.6 million USD, the project is the first one outside Europe by the family owned company A. Smit & Zoon BV from the Netherlands. The aims of the investment are to give the possibilities to reach further growth, to get closers to the customers, to become one of the major worldwide producers of specialty chemicals for the leather industry.  The construction of the project started in November 2007 and finished the 1st phase in 10 months time. This tremendous job could not have been done without the great helps and supports from the NCIP management and division leaders, DHV Engineering Consultancy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, the Nanjing Environmental & Chemical Engineering Design and the Nanjing Chemical Construction Company.

This wholly Dutch invested enterprise will comply with high standards for Safety, Health & Environmental Protection and modern production technologies in its production.  More than 250 guests, representatives from Chinese authorities, contacts and relations clients and customers worldwide, attended the ceremony to witness this milestone in A Smit & Zoon’s history.