Implementation Rules Clarifying Controversial Labor Contract Law Promulgated Go back »

2008-09-25 | Nanjing

As members will already know, on September 18th, the State Council issued the long-anticipated Implementation Rules for the Labour Contract Law. The rules became effective immediately. The 38 articles regulation offers guidance for the implementation of the Labour Contract Law which has been effective since 1st January 2008. They cover such issues as conclusion and termination of labour contracts as well as special provisions on placement.

An unofficial translation of the Implementation Rules for PRC Labour Contract Law has graciously been provided by EUCCC Nanjing member Picozzi & Morigi Law Firm – Nanjing Office, please click here

To view comments on the Implementation Rules by Walter Chen, Senior Partner at local law firm Jin Ding Partners, please click here

A key area of interest for European Companies in China, The Chamber is organising events nationwide focusing on this topic.
To view the upcoming EUCCC HR forum focusing on the Labour Contract Law in Nanjing, please  click here

To view the upcoming EUCCC HR forum focusing on the Labour Contract Law in Shanghai, please click here