Nanjing-Hangzhou 1 Hour Rail Link Soon to Open Go back »

2008-09-25 | Nanjing

Guo Xiucheng, Professor of the Transportation School at Nanjing’s Southeast University commented on the situation, explaining that Intercity Railway betwen Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou will constitute the major part of the network of intercity railways linking the Yangtze Delta Region. When the network is completed, traveling between any of the two cities will be shortened to a little over an hour.

Some details on the new Railway line:

When completed the Nanjing-Hangzhou Intercity Railway will be capable of accommodating 5128 passengers with four direct trains and three trains which will makes stops during the journey. The Nanjing-Hangzhou Intercity Railway will pass through Lishui, Liyang, Yixing in Jiangsu province before crossing the Zhejiang border and passing through Changxing, Huzhou, Deqing in Zhejiang before terminating in Hangzhou. The total length of the track is 251 miles, 145 of which is located in Jiangsu and the remaining 106 in Zhejiang province. The line will focus on passenger transportation, and will only be used to transport a limited amount of goods.  The line is expected to transport 50 million passengers over the next two years.

When completed, this railway will change the present railway transportation throughout southern and western parts of Jiangsu province. Passenger trains will be accessible for the first time in Lishui, Liyang and Yixing, the first two have never been connected to a major rail line before.