EU-Sichuan Investment & Cooperation Conference Go back »

2008-09-25 | All chapters

The EU-Sichuan Investment & Cooperation Conference will be held from 25th -27th October in Chengdu with the main conference taking place on 26th October 2008.

The following European leaders have confirmed their participation at our conference:

- Mr. José Manuel Barroso, President of the EU Commission (speech via video link)
- Mr. David O'Sullivan, General Director of Trade of the EU Commission
- Mme, Anne-Marie Idrac, Secrétaire d'Etat de Ministaire du Commerce Extérieur
- Sir. David Brewer, President of the China British Business Council 

Other speakers and attendees of the EU-Sichuan Investment & Cooperation Conference will include senior European and Chinese officials, senior managers and representatives from European companies across China, as well as officials from Sichuan Government and high-profile Chinese company leaders.

The EU-Sichuan Investment & Cooperation Conference will give attendees the opportunity to obtain detailed information on reconstruction and investment opportunities in Sichuan and discuss the support measures with the Sichuan government and EU representatives leading to a long-term investment cooperation mechanism.

The conference is targeted at those EU companies with an interest in investment and reconstruction in Sichuan province as well as those interested in conducting a site visit to affected areas. Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend the 9th Western Fair in Chengdu on 27th October. The Western Fair offers an excellent platform for investment and trade and aims to promote co-operation between Western China and the world economy.

Conference Programme
To view the detailed programme of this conference, please click here.

Sponsorship Opportunities Available
To find out more details of the sponsorship package, please click here.

To register for this event, please click here.