Message from President of the European Commission at the EU-Sichuan Conference Go back »

2008-10-26 | All chapters

Message from Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission at the EU-Sichuan Investment and Cooperation Conference in Sichuan on 26th October 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me start by congratulating the Sichuan authorities and the European Chamber of Commerce in China on their decision to organise and host the EU-Sichuan Investment and Cooperation Conference in Chengdu. This is a timely event that sends a strong and important signal – that Sichuan and Chengdu are fully open for business !   I hope this will trigger much needed investment to rebuild this beautiful province. Today's conference sets the tone for a new and more prosperous Sichuan, and I hope to come myself to see the results.

On the same personal note, let me  share with you my thoughts in the aftermath of the Great Sichuan Earthquake.  I want to congratulate the Chinese government and the local authorities for their swift and effective reaction to this most catastrophic  of events.  You saved countless lives, and comforted so many that were in great distress. 

I am also very pleased that the European Union was able to contribute quickly and effectively  by providing emergency humanitarian assistance. I also welcome the spontaneous sign of solidarity expressed by European companies, so many of which are represented at this conference, who donated over 1 billion RMB to the Sichuan earthquake victims.

So the EU-Sichuan conference is a great opportunity to build on previous efforts. We in Europe,  and our companies, want to work with you.  If there is something good that can come out of the tragic earthquake, it is perhaps that hardship sometimes contributes to a better friendship. 
Let investment be the cement for our friendship, creating jobs, wealth, and well-being for all of us.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been told that in the aftermath of the earthquake, many people expressed their support to the rescue teams and victims as if they were cheering on successful athletes in the Olympics in Beijing.  So let me join this spirit at the conference: 

Sichuan jia you!

Thank you for your attention.

Source: EU Delegation of the European Commission to China