Rights and HIV: Important (to) Business Go back »

2008-11-04 | Beijing

This event is kindly sponsored by UNAIDS

Registration for this event must be done in advance as seats are strictly limited on a first come first serve basis.

Judge Cameron, a leading international expert on AIDS, discrimination and the law from South Africa, will be visiting China at the invitation of Ministry of Health and UNAIDS to support the response to AIDS in China. During his visit, Judge Cameron will share insights gained from his decade-long contribution to the response to AIDS in South Africa and lessons that China may be able to learn from the successes and failures of AIDS programs in Africa, and around the world. He will also briefly promote the publishing in Chinese of his award winning book “Witness to AIDS”.

Topics that will be covered in the session will include:
Ø Why businesses should get involved in AIDS
Ø How businesses benefits
Ø How businesses get involved
Ø How to merge labor issues, human resource policies and rights of people living with HIV to the benefit of business

Ø The strengths of Government & Private Sector – Civil Society Partnerships



Justice Edwin Cameron, an expert on AIDS, discrimination and the law from South Africa. To know more about Justice Cameron, please click here.


08:00 - 08:30 Registration

08:30-08:35 Introduction by Bill Valentino, VP Corporate Social Responsibility China

08:35-09:15 Presentation by Justice Edwin Cameron

09:15 onwards Q&A


Event Terms & Conditions

Please be advised that the media is normally allowed to attend all EUCCC public events unless otherwise stated, on the condition that no one attending these events quotes participants by name (the “Chatham House Rule”).

Please register before 2:00pm on Tuesday, 28th October. Please note that we will send you a registration confirmation. We require 24 hours notice for cancellations, no-shows who fail to cancel before this time will be invoiced for the event. Registrations done after the deadline will be accepted only if space permits and are charged an additional 50 RMB walk-in fee.