Working Group News

2007-04-11 > South China

European Chamber PRD Meeting with Ambassador Abou

The European Chamber PRD was delighted to welcome Ambassador Abou of the EU Delegation to Guangzhou on April 9th.

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2007-04-06 > Beijing

The European Chamber Annual General Meeting

The European Chamber held its 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 3rd April in Beijing. Honorary President Ambassador Serge Abou presided and introduced Mr. Gunter Verheugen, Vice- President of the European Commission. Over 90 guests representing corporate members of the Chamber attended.

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2007-03-29 > Beijing

Statement on the New Enterprise Income Tax Law

China's National People's Congress adopted the new Enterprise Income Tax Law on 16th March 2007. In light of the recent media attention concerning the European Chamber’s comment on this new law, the Chamber would like to take this opportunity to express its opinion on this important piece of legislation.

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2007-03-29 > All chapters

English Translation of the New Enterprise Income Tax Law

The long-expected Unified Corporate Income Tax Law for the PRC has been debated and was passed by the National People's Congress (NPC) on Friday 16th March 2007. It will now become Law as of January 1st 2008. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. has provided a translation of the new CIT law for the benefit of European Chamber members.

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2007-03-23 > Beijing

Coface Breakfast Seminar Corporate Credit Risk Management (2006)

To be able to assess a customers ability to fulfil its commitment a company needs to check their reliability. This process has to happen at every stage of its business.

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2007-03-21 > Beijing

Global Europe - Green Paper on Trade Defence Instruments

Europe's Trade Defence Instruments in a changing global economy A Green Paper for public consultation.

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2007-03-11 > Beijing

Membership Renewal 2007

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2007-02-27 > Beijing

We are a Chinese company, too - Request for Participation

This campaign, initiated by the EU Embassies in China, aims to present the achievements of European companies in China and the contributions that the European companies make to the Chinese economy. These factors justify the request of European companies not only to be welcomed to China as well as to be treated on an equal footing with wholly Chinese-invested domestic companies.

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