Working Group News

2007-01-31 > Shanghai

Finance & Taxation Working Group Seminar

On January 30th the Finance & Taxation Working Group in Shanghai held its first seminar in 2007 that was open to members and non-members.

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2007-01-24 > All chapters

Unofficial Translation of the Latest Version of the PRC's Draft Employment Contract Law

An unofficial translation of the latest version of the PRC's Employment Contract Law can be downloaded by the members of the European Chamber.

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2007-01-19 > Tianjin

2007 China Economic Forum

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2007-01-17 > Shanghai

Legal & HR Group Seminar on the Labour Contract Laws

Andreas Lauffs, Partner and Head of the China Employment Practice at Baker & Mackenzie presents on the 2nd drafting of the Labour Contract Law.

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1999-11-30 > All chapters

SIPO: 2 IPR national standards to be effective on 1st June

2 recommendatory national standards <Basic Vocabulary for IPR Literature and Information> and <Classification and Code for IPR Literature and Information> have been approved by Standardization Administration and AQSIQ, which will take effect on 1st June.

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