Working Group News

2007-04-11 > South China

European Chamber PRD Meeting with Ambassador Abou

The European Chamber PRD was delighted to welcome Ambassador Abou of the EU Delegation to Guangzhou on April 9th.

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2007-03-29 > All chapters

English Translation of the New Enterprise Income Tax Law

The long-expected Unified Corporate Income Tax Law for the PRC has been debated and was passed by the National People's Congress (NPC) on Friday 16th March 2007. It will now become Law as of January 1st 2008. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. has provided a translation of the new CIT law for the benefit of European Chamber members.

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2007-02-12 > Southwest China

2007 New Year Dinner Meeting

2007 New Year Dinner Meeting has been successfully held by European Chamber on February 7. Mr. Pascal Hermandesse, chairman of Chengdu Board, drawing a general conclusion of the events and activities in 2006 and presented a prospect of Chapter development in 2007.

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2007-01-26 > Southwest China

Monthly Dinner - Update on Draft Labour Contract Law

On 24th December, 2006, the second reading of the draft Labour Contract Law has been reviewed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.Compared with the first draft submitted in December 2005, the second one has some substantial differences, which have concerned every person in China, especially HR professionals.

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2007-01-24 > All chapters

Unofficial Translation of the Latest Version of the PRC's Draft Employment Contract Law

An unofficial translation of the latest version of the PRC's Employment Contract Law can be downloaded by the members of the European Chamber.

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2007-01-19 > Tianjin

2007 China Economic Forum

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