Non-banking Financial Institutions Working Group Annual Report 2022 Go back »

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    Non-banking Financial Institutions (Sub-working Group) Working Group / Forum


The Non-banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) Working Group was established in 2008. It includes leading European consumer finance specialists who operate consumer finance companies, auto finance companies, small loan companies and other entities engaged in consumer finance services in cooperation with third parties (for example, guarantee companies) in China. As of 2020, the working group also includes equipment leasing companies (ELCs). This working group reflects the importance attached to the emerging nonbanking financing sector in China, its relevance to the State Council’s major policy objectives
and the attention European players pay to this agenda. In 2021, the name of the working group was changed from the Consumer Finance and Non-banking Financial Institutions Working Group to the Non-banking Financial Institutions Working Group to better encompass the many distinct players within the non-banking segment of the economy.