Pharmaceutical Working Group Position Paper 2018/2019 - 制药工作组建议书2018/2019 Go back »

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    Position Paper
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    Pharmaceutical Working Group / Forum
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Staying healthy is central to people’s wellbeing, and society as a whole. Pharmaceutical products play a crucial role in preventing and treating disease. European pharmaceutical companies invest heavily in the development of innovative treatments and fully support the government’s efforts to ensure patients’ access to state-of-the-art, safe, efficacious and affordable pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals are key to increasing the overall health of the population, in line with the vision laid out in the central government’s Healthy China 2030.

It is therefore important for policymakers to understand that increased registration efficiency, improved market supervision, alignment of Chinese laws and regulations with international norms, intellectual property (IP) enforcement, and transparent pricing and reimbursement are the most useful ways to incentivise domestic and multinational companies (MNCs) to bring innovative drugs to the Chinese market.

The Pharmaceutical Working Group represents approximately 40 international pharmaceutical manufacturing companies operating in China. The working group encourages government policies that support the creation of a sustainable environment that fosters innovation, and the healthy growth of the pharmaceutical industry as a whole, while improving patient access to affordable, innovative, high quality medicines.

The Pharmaceutical Working Group wishes to engage in a constructive dialogue with all relevant government agencies, at the national, provincial and local level, and is willing to share its expertise and international best practices with Chinese regulators.

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