Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group Position Paper 2019/2020 - 标准与合格评定工作组建议书2019/2020 Go back »

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    Position Paper
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    Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group / Forum
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Standards are "document[s], established by consensus and approved by a recognised body, that provide, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context". Standards provide the technical foundation for all major economic activities, as they form the fundamental building blocks for product development by establishing consistent protocols that can be universally understood and adopted. As such, they facilitate business interaction, speed up the introduction of innovative products to the market, and provide interoperability between new and existing products, services and processes.3 As China opens its door wider to the world, standardisation and conformity assessment will be essential to facilitating cooperation between the European Union and China in investment, trade and production activities.

The Standards and Conformity Assessment (SCA) Working Group was founded in 2008. Its members come from various industry sectors such as automotive, auto components, construction, cosmetics, healthcare equipment, electrical equipment, information and communication technology equipment/services, and machinery. It contains the Quality and Safety Services Sub-Working Group. The working group aims to support the development of China’s SCA systems in order to facilitate China’s integration into the world economy.

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