Government Updates

2009-04-08 > All chapters

The European Chamber Welcomes the Publication of China's Health-care Reform Guidelines

On 6th April the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council jointly endorsed and issued the Guidelines on Deepening the Reform of Health-care System after about three years of intense debate and repeated revision.

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

CNTA: Order NO. 30, Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on Travel Agencies

CNTA: Order NO. 30, Implementation for “Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on Travel Agencies” Starts from May 3rd

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

MOFCOM: Announcement NO. 21 [2009],15 Industry Standards for Domestic Trading

MOFCOM: Announcement NO. 21 [2009],15 Industry Standards for Domestic Trading

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

CCCPC, State Council: Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Health-care System

CCCPC, State Council: Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Health-care System

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

China greatly enhances int'l trademark protection

China has enhanced the protection of international trademarks in the past years, as more than 530,000 foreign trade marks from more than 130 countries or regions had been registered in China by 2008, Chinese authorities has said.

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

China to strengthen regulation of listed securities companies

China will strengthen oversight of listed securities companies by promoting information transparency.

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

China approves more corporate bond issuance in Q1 to echo gov't stimulus plan

China has approved 43 corporate bonds in the first quarter, a sharp rise from the same period last year, in support of the massive construction plan involved in the 4 trillion yuan (584.8 billion U.S. dollars) stimulus package, according to the data released by the depository house for China's major bonds.

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

China to make breakthrough in yuan-based cross-border payment

China would manage to make breakthrough in yuan-based cross-border payment system in 2009, People's Bank of China, or the central bank, said in an on-line report.

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2009-04-08 > All chapters

China's coal-to-liquids projects buffeted by changing policy, economics

Chinese coal enterprises have made strides in coal to liquids (CTL) projects, using both direct and indirect methods, despite difficulties in the market and policy environments.

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