Government Updates

2016-01-21 > All chapters

MOHRSS: Call for Comments on <Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of “Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance” (Part II) (Draft for Comments)>

为更好地贯彻执行《工伤保险条例》,妥善解决实际工作中的有关政策难点问题,维护职工的正当权益,促进社会公平与正义,在2013年我部印发了《人力资源社会保障部关于执行< 工伤保险条例>若干问题的意见》(人社部发[2013]34号)之后,经调查研究论证,我部拟定了《关于执行<工伤保险条例>若干问题的意见(二)(征求意见稿)》,现向社会公开征求意见。

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2016-01-14 > Beijing

CBRC: Call for Comments on <Guidelines on Internal Audit of Commercial Banks>


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2016-01-13 > Beijing

State Internet Information Office: Call for Comments on <Administrative Regulations on Internet News Information Service (Amendment Draft for Comments)>


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2016-01-06 > Beijing

International Accounting Standards Board: Call for Comments on IFRS Practice Statement <Application of Materiality to Financial Statements>


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2016-01-06 > Beijing

MOFCOM: Call for Comments on <Regulations on Auto Sales>


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2008-12-24 > All chapters

MOHRSS, MOF, SAT: adopt five measures to lessen the burdens of enterprises to maintain the job marke

MOHRSS, MOF, SAT: adopt five measures to lessen the burdens of enterprises to maintain the job market stability

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2008-12-24 > All chapters

SAFE: Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Promoting PC Based Overseas Investme

SAFE: Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Promoting PC Based Overseas Investment Module of the Information System of Foreign Exchange for Direct Investment Nationwide

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2008-12-24 > All chapters

CBRC: Notice of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines on Business Cooperatio

CBRC: Notice of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guidelines on Business Cooperation between Banks and Trust Companies

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2008-12-24 > All chapters

MOH: Announcement No. 29 [2008] of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China

China has stopped the import of the Irish pork due to its dioxin-contaminated pork meat scare.

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