Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2020-07-08 > Nanjing

Several Opinions on Better Leveraging Foreign Capital to Promote Investment, Secure and Stabilize Businesses by Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government

Several Opinions on Better Leveraging Foreign Capital to Promote Investment, Secure and Stabilize Businesses by Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government

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2020-07-08 > Nanjing

Opinions of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on the improving the quality and stabilising the utilisation of foreign capital, and to attract, secure, and stabilise business investment- instruction part 1

Opinions of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on the improving the quality and stabilising the utilisation of foreign capital, and to attract, secure, and stabilise business investment- instruction part 1

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2020-07-08 > Nanjing

Opinions of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on the improving the quality and stabilising the utilisation of foreign capital, and to attract, secure, and stabilise business investment- instruction part 2

Opinions of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on the improving the quality and stabilising the utilisation of foreign capital, and to attract, secure, and stabilise business investment- instruction part 2

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2013-12-13 > Nanjing

Jiangsu Provincial Development Energy 12th Five Year Plan


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

MOT: Call for Comments on the <Security Regulations for Inland River Ferry> Deadline: 12 January, 2014


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

MOF: Notice on the Issuance of the Construction Plan (on Trial) for National Ecological Civilization Demonstration Plot


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2013-12-13 > All chapters

AQSIQ MIIT: Release <Guidelines on Strengthening the Quality Construction of Building Waterproofing Industry and Propelling the Quality of Waterproofing Roll-Roofing Products>


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