Government Updates

2024-06-26 > All chapters

EU Policy Intelligence and Advocacy

Updates by 24th June

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2023-08-31 > Nanjing

Call for comments on the Implementation Methods for Promoting the Work of Foreign R&D Center in Jiangsu

The Jiangsu Department of Commerce issued a call for comments on the Implementation Methods for Promoting the Work of Foreign R&D Center in Jiangsu. Please down the full text below.

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2023-08-31 > Nanjing

Call for comments on Opinions on Encouraging Multinational Companies to Establish Regional Headquarters and Functional Institutions in Jiangsu

The Jiangsu Department of Commerce issued a call for comments on Opinions on Encouraging Multinational Companies to Establish Regional Headquarters and Functional Institutions in Jiangsu. Please down the full text below.

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2023-05-17 > All chapters

Call for Comments on Value-added Tax Law the Regulation on Fair Competition Review (Draft for Comments)

The State Administration of Market Regulations (SAMR) issued a call for comments on the Regulation on Fair Competition Review (Draft for Comments) on 12th May.

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2023-01-18 > All chapters

Call for Comments on Value-added Tax Law

The National People's Congress Standing Committee reviewed the draft Value-added Tax Law at the end of 2022 and issued a call for comments on the draft Value-added Tax Law.

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2021-12-01 > All chapters

GACC Overseas Manufacturers’ Registration of Imported Foods

The European Chamber has been supporting the communication between industry and GACC on the overseas manufacturers’ registration of imported foods. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Ing Wang at

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2021-11-24 > All chapters

Call for Comments: Regulations on Cyber Data Security Management (Draft for Comments)

If you would like to provide comments through the European Chamber, please contact Ms Ziting Zhang at

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2021-09-03 > Nanjing

Jiangsu Released the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the High-Quality Development of Jiangsu's Manufacturing Industry"

Jiangsu Released the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the High-Quality Development of Jiangsu's Manufacturing Industry" to build the "Made in Jiangsu" name card.

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2021-09-03 > Nanjing

The newly revised "Safety Production Law" was officially implemented on Sep 1 and Nanjing will fully implement it

One of the biggest features is that it has significantly increased penalties for violations, and fines for particularly serious accidents can be up to 100 million yuan

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