President Eskelund Visits Shenyang for High-Level Talks with Vice Mayor

2024-05-20 | Shenyang

President Eskelund Visits Shenyang for High-Level Talks with Vice Mayor

On 20th May, 2024, Mr. Jens Eskelund, President of the European Chamber, visited Shenyang and engaged in discussions with Mr. Liu Xuhui, Vice Mayor of Shenyang Municipal Government. The meeting was also attended by Chair of Shenyang Chapter, Mr. Erich Kaiserseder, board members of the Shenyang Chapter including Mr. Sebastian Bittner and Mr. Stephane Gonnetand as well as Mr. Patrick Mueller from board member company, along with leaders from the Municipal Commerce Bureau, Foreign Affairs Office, and Business Bureau.

Vice Mayor Liu Xuhui warmly welcomed President Jens Eskelund to Shenyang and expressed gratitude for the significant role the European Chamber has continuously played in fostering government-business communication. He highlighted the substantial contributions of foreign-funded enterprises to the city’s development and economic growth. With Shenyang emerging as a national central city, Vice Mayor Duan looks forward to leveraging the Chamber's platform to attract more foreign investment.

President Jens Eskelund commended Shenyang for its rich historical heritage and robust industrial base, vital for the economic revitalization and development of Northeast China. He acknowledged the local and central government's efforts to attract foreign investment through policies aimed at improving the investment environment. 

The talks further included exchanges on advantages of Shenyang to attract foreign investments, the growth of the cultural and tourism industries, a continued commitment to deepening collaboration.