Advocacy Actions

2018-04-25 > Beijing

Meeting with FECO of MEE on the Market of Sludge Treatment in China

The European Chamber co-organsied the PIANO industry workshop on opportunities and challenges for European Business in the Market of Sludge Treatment in China

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2018-04-25 > Beijing

Preparatory Meeting with CCFDIE for China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (CIMDR)

The HCE Working Group met with the Centre for International Exchange of the CNDA (former CFDA) and industry delegates to prepare the 9th China International Medical Device Regulatory Forum (CIMDR) in September 2018

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2018-04-23 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to General Administration of Customs on Clearance System Maintenance

The Logistics Working Group submitted a lobby letter to the General Administration of Customs with regards to the upgrading of the customs clearance system and the impact it brings for express delivery industry.

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2018-04-21 > All chapters

European Chamber Speaks at the Shanghai Pujiang Intellectual Property International Forum

National Chair of the Intellectual Property Rights Working Group speaks at the Shanghai Pujiang Intellectual Property International Forum.

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2018-04-19 > Beijing

IMDRF Clinical Evaluation WG meeting - Subgroup 1

EUCCC-COCIR representative participated the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) Working Group meeting on Clinical Evaluation

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2018-04-13 > Beijing

Meeting with the EU Delegation on Market Access for Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group of the European Chamber met with Mr Ruben Schellingerhout, Counsellor of the Trade Section of the Delegation of the European Union, on market access of medical devices.

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2018-04-12 > Beijing

Meeting with Counsellor of Swedish Embassy

Lotta Liljelund, the Counsellor of Economic Section and Head of CSR Centre and Madelene Trang, the Porgramme Officer, CSR Centre of Embassy of Sweden met with Ink Zheng, the business manager of CSR forum to discuss the sustainable trade development in China.

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2018-04-12 > Beijing

contribute industry good practices and documents to CMDSA on measurement of energy consumption

Contribute industry good practices and documents to the Center for Medical Device Standardization Administration (CMDSA) on measurement of energy consumption

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2018-04-11 > Beijing

Comments on the recall on line reporting system to Shanghai FDA

COCIR and CDMD members' comments on the recall on line reporting system were provided to SH FDA

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2018-04-09 > Beijing

recommendations after IMDRF 13th Meeting to CNDA

Recommendations of DITTA were submitted to the Chair after IMDRF 13th Meeting in Shanghai

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