Advocacy Actions

2016-11-28 > Beijing

European Chamber Comments on <Administrative Measures on Consumer Complaints for Public Air Transport Service (Revised Draft for Comments)>

The European Chamber Aviation & Aerospace Working Group, on behalf of member companies, submitted to CAAC their consolidated comments on <Administrative Measures on Consumer Complaints for Public Air Transport Service (Revised Draft for Comments)>, suggesting the specification of several key articles,

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2016-11-25 > Beijing

Contribute to a CMDE Guideline on Medical Device Cybersecurity

CMDE of CFDA organized a seminar to finalize the Guideline on Medical Device Cybersecurity, COCIR China Desk Manager as well as some members attended it and raised industry concerns and suggestions

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2016-11-25 > Beijing

Comments on the CFDA's draft "Catalogue for Classification of Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments on the CFDA's draft "Catalogue for Classification of Medical Devices"

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2016-11-25 > Beijing

MOFCOM’s Annual Meeting with Foreign Enterprises Representatives

MOFCOM held a high-level meeting with foreign enterprises representatives on Nov 25th. European Chamber was invited to attend the meeting.

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2016-11-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with State Administration for Industry Commerce

Director Daoyang Zhang received us on behalf of the Consumer Protection Bureau. After a brief introduction on the legislative purpose and legislative process of Consumer Protection Law Implementation Guidance, the meeting got into the practical aspects quickly, based on a concrete discussion on key points listed in the pre-meeting, the meeting was very constructive.Director Zhang said Legislative purpose is to protect the interests of normal consumers and basic values of whole community-. Director Zhang also analyzed the current social environment in China, spoke out the problem of the legislation source with complete frankness. He supported the concept of “social co-governance”.

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2016-11-24 > Beijing

Comments on the CMDE's "Guideline for Evaluation of Disposable Puncture in Laparoscopy"

The Medical Device Working Group submitted comments to the Jiangsu Medical Device Evaluation Centre on the "Guideline for Evaluation of Disposable Puncture in Laparoscopy".

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2016-11-24 > Beijing

Seminar: Maintaining Standards: Standardization Reform in China’s High Quality Consumer Product Market

European Chamber organised the Seminar: Maintaining Standards: Standardization Reform in China’s High Quality Consumer Product Market

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2016-11-23 > Beijing

Dialogue with MOFCOM on the Interim Measures for the Record-filing Administration of the Incorporation and Change of Foreign-invested Enterprises

The European Chamber held a Dialogue with the MOFCOM on the Interim Measures for the Record-filing Administration of the Incorporation and Change of Foreign-invested Enterprises, which was released by the MOFCOM on 8 October this year. Sara Marchetta, Vice President of the Chamber delivered opening remarks and moderated the Q & A session.

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2016-11-23 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to Beijing State Administration of Taxation

On 23 November 2016, the European Chamber submitted a lobby letter to Beijing State Administration of Taxation (SAT) regarding their recent decision that activities of foreign insurer representative offices are subject to VAT. The Beijing SAT has agreed to take the Chamber's opinions under consultation and communicate to the statel-level SAT on the Chamber's behalf.

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2016-11-22 > Beijing

Circular Economy Mission to Beijing Introductory Briefing on Doing Business in China

On 22nd November, Secretary General of European Chamber Mr. Adam Dunnett met with Directorate General Environment Director General Mr. Daniel Calleja at Circular Economy Meeting which took place at European Union Delegation to China and Mongolia, in Beijing. Mr. Adam Dunnett was invited to introduce the European Chamber and European business in China. During the Meeting, SG presented Position Paper 2016-2017 to DG Daniel Calleja. Later evening, Commissioner Karmenu Vella host a reception at the hotel Westin, during the event, State Representative of European Chamber Mr. Massimo Bagnasco presented the Position Paper.

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