Advocacy Actions

2022-03-18 > All chapters

Expert Sharing on Auto Recall Policy and Its Standards Development and New 'San Bao' Policy (Repaire, Replacement, Return)

On 18th March, experts from the Product Safety Research Centre of China National Institute of Standardisation (with another name as the Defective Product Administration Centre of the State Administration of Markety Regulations) joined the Automotive Working Group meeting and made presentations on the Provisions of Automotive Emission Recall, the Provisions on the Liability for the Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automotive Products (known as 'San Bao' rules), and recall related standardisation work.

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2022-03-15 > Beijing

Vice Chair of Aviation and Aerospace Working Group Attended Meeting with Civil Aviation Administration of China and European Aviation Safety Agency

Mr Kevin Wu, Vice Chair of Aviation and Aerospace Working Group of Eruropean Chamber, Attended and Delivered Welcome Remarks at Sustainable Aviation Strategies Overview in Europe and China Workshop, in front of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

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2022-03-11 > Beijing

Aviation and Aerospace Working Group Met with Deputy Secretary General Zhu Yaochun of China Air Transport Association

Philippe Bardol, Chair of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group of European Chamber, met with Deputy Secretary General ZHU Yaochun of China Air Transport Association (CATA), and delivered welcome remarks on the meeting.

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2022-03-10 > Beijing

Government Affairs Forum Meeting on China's Macroeconomic Outlook in 2022

On 10th March, the Government Affairs Forum held the kick-off meeting and had scholars from Renmin University to share the China's Macroeconomic Outlook in 2022.

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2022-03-07 > All chapters

International Liner Shipping Working Group's Online Meeting with SAMR

The State Administration for Market Regulation(SAMR) initiated the online meeting with International Liner Shipping Working Group, European Chamber, to investigate the industry problems of higher freight rate, commercial bribery, port congestions and limited transport capacity.

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2022-03-04 > Beijing

Participation in the 2022 Working Conference on China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation

On 4th March, the China-Europe Energy Innovation Cooperation Office (the Office) organised the 2022 Annual Working Conference. Nearly 200 participants joined online, with the European Chamber Energy Working Group representatives and member companies playing the leading role. Pan Huimin, Deputy Director General of the International Department of the National Energy Administration (NEA), and Octavian Stamate, Counsellor for Energy and Climate Action, Delegation of the European Union to China, attended the meeting and delivered opening speeches. Jiang Shihong, Vice President of the Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute moderated the whole session.

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2022-03-04 > All chapters

Maritime WG and International Liner Shipping WG Joint Meeting with MoT

On 4th of March, the Ministry of Transport initiated one online meeting, along with Maritime WG and International Liner Shipping WG, for an industry hearing on a range of issues, covering higher freight rate, disrupted supply chain, shore power use of liner industry and the decarbonisation strategies of ship-building industry.

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2022-03-04 > All chapters

Sent comments to Ministry of Finance regarding government procurement

On 4th March, the European Chamber sent comments to the Treasury Department of Ministry of Finance regarding the challenges and concerns faced by the foreign-invested companies in the government procurement in China.

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2022-03-04 > All chapters

Sent comments to CCPIT regarding government procurement

On 4th March, the European Chamber sent comments to the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) regarding the challenges and concerns faced by the foreign-invested companies in the government procurement activities in China.

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2022-03-03 > Beijing

Roundtable Discussion with China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT)

On 3rd March, Chairs and Vice Chairs of the ICT Working Group and Cybersecurity Sub-working Group were invited to join a roundtable discussion with the representatives of the Institute of Policy and Economic Research of the CAICT on the cooperation between the European Union (EU) and China in ICT area.

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