Advocacy Actions

2017-03-21 > Beijing

Meeting with slovak ambassador

The Secretary General of the European Chamber, Mr Adam Dunnett and the Director of Government Affairs and Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager of EU SME Center Mr Xavier Sans Powell met with the newly appointed Slovak ambassador to China, H.E. Mr Dusan Bella.

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2017-03-17 > Beijing

Speech at MIIT’s Opening Ceremony of Leading Talent Management Training Programme

MIIT’s Leading Talent Management Training Programme 2016-2017 was held in Beijing successfully with more than 60 participants on 17 March, 2017. Mr. Ye Dingda, the Deputy Director General of SME Bureau of MIIT, and Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT gave the opening remarks for the opening. Director of Government Affairs (European Affairs), Xavier SansPowell participated in the Opening Ceremony and gave a presentation and introduced the EU-China collaboration opportunities for SMEs.

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2016-12-13 > Beijing

Revision on SME Promotion Act

By the end of 2015 there are 21,858,200 enterprises registered at AIC, the majority of which are SMEs (SMEs account for 99.6% in the industrial sector). Although SMEs have become a crucial part of the Socialist Market Economy, their development has been held back by numerous challenges. Legislative Administration Commission of National People's Congress is calling for comments on Revision on SME Promotion Act.

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2016-12-01 > Beijing

Meeting with MIIT SME Bureau

Earlier in September 2016, Deputy head of government affairs and coordinator of EU SME Advocacy and Working Group visited SME Bureau of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In favor of the close communication and friendship, Director of SME Policy Research in SME bureau of MIIT visited EUCCC office on 1st December 2016.

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2016-08-05 > Beijing

Meeting with Austrian Embassy Deputy Head of Mission about MIC2025

On August 5th, the Senior Policy & Advocacy Manager of the EU SME Centre together with the European Chamber met representatives of the Austrian Embassy in Beijing in order to discuss the initiative China Manufacturing 2025.

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2016-04-25 > Beijing

APEC SME Workshop

The 42nd APEC Small Medium Sized Enterprises Workshop took place during 25th to 26th of April, 2016. European Chamber participated in Policy Paper advice discussion and forum activities.

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2016-04-25 > Beijing

Meeting with DG ZhangJian at APEC SME WorkShop

Inter-Chamber SME Working Group Coodinator met with Mr. Zhangjian, Director General of International Cooperation of MIIT, ProSME at APEC Workshop.

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2016-03-22 > Beijing

Participation in China-Finland Regional Cooperation Forum and SME B2B Event

On 22 March, at the visit of Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Environment, SME Forum and Inter-Chamber SME Working Group business manager participated in the seminar of “Opportunities Jing-Jin-Ji Finland-China District Heating and Waste to Energy Technical" and "Food & Beverage B2B Event".

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2016-03-04 > Beijing

InterChamber SME Working Group Meeting

Establishing in a new market is always challenging, the working group meeting is gathering SMEs from different EU state countries to discuss how to manage SMEs in China, a changing environment.

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2016-01-29 > Beijing

Meeting with Commercial Counsellor FinPro

EU SME Advocacy Working Group Coordinator Erica Wang met with Seppo Selkälä, Commercial Counsellor of Trade Promotion Centre of Finland Embassy, FinPro.

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