Advocacy Actions

2016-06-12 > Beijing

A conference call with the EU Delegation regarding medical devices GSP inspection

Update a CFDA notice on regulating business in medical device circulation to the EU Delegation

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2016-06-11 > Beijing

Presentation BCS during German-China Investment Forum

Joerg Wuttke spoke at German China investment forum after premier Li and Merkel on investment climate.

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2016-06-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Seminar with CAICT on Personal Information Protection and Cross-border Data Flow Policies

The European Chamber co-organised a seminar with the Chinese Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT) to exchange on personal information protection and cross-border data flow policies.

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2016-06-07 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director General Yue Xiuhu, NDRC

Some AC members in the service industry had a meeting with the Department of Planning of the NDRC.

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2016-06-06 > Beijing

Meeting with Mr. Guo Xiuming,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of the PRC

Tiantian greeted DDG Guo and introduced the Chamber CSR Forum and its activities and plans in the past years, especially highlighted the 10th Anniversary of the Chamber CSR Forum last year.

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2016-06-06 > All chapters

Letter to Shanghai Customs on the Implementation of GAC Announcement on Manifest Management and the Supervision of Transportation Vehicle inbound and outbound China

On 6 June, 2016, the European Chamber of Commerce in China sent a letter to Shanghai Customs that addresses its concerns regarding the pilot program to be carried out on GAC Announcement on Manifest Management and the Supervision of Transportation Vehicle inbound and outbound China (CCAM)

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2016-06-06 > Beijing

Meeting with Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of the PRC

Tiantian greeted DDG Guo and introduced the Chamber CSR Forum and its activities and plans in the past years, especially highlighted the 10th Anniversary of the Chamber CSR Forum last year.

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2016-06-03 > All chapters

Submit comments to CFDA on Medical Device Technical Review and Consultation

Submit industry comments to Center for Medical Device Evaluation of CFDA on Medical Device Technical Review and Consultation that they are drafting procedures.

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2016-06-02 > All chapters

Letter to CIRC on Supervision Rules on Insurance Institutions Adopting Digitalised Operations

On 2nd June, 2016, the European Chamber of Commerce in China sent a letter to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) that outlines its concerns regarding the Supervision Rules on Insurance Institutions Adopting Digitalized Operations (Supervision Rules).

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2016-06-02 > All chapters

Submit comments to SCLAO on Amendments to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices

Submit comments to Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council (SCLAO) on “Amendments to the Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices" (Amendments to the Order 650)

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