Advocacy Actions

2021-08-31 > Beijing, South China

Rail Working Group Meeting: A Look Into the 14th Five Year: Landscape and Approach of the China Rail Market

On 31st August 2021, Greater China Vice President of Roland Berger came to the European Chamber Beijing Office to share his analysis of 14th Five- Year Plan of Chinese rail industry to the rail working group

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2021-08-31 > Beijing

Seminar on Infant Formula Registration Requirements by Centre for Food Evaluation, SAMR

The Centre for Food Evaluation under the State Administration for Market Regulation organised an online seminar to share the infant formula registration requirements under new series standards with overseas infant formula manufactures. European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk was invited as the only industry association to participate the seminar.

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2021-08-27 > Beijing

Online Workshop with the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) on the Guideline for Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and COCIR participated in half-day online workshop organised by the Centre of Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) on the draft Guideline for Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Devices.

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2021-08-26 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber Meeting with the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA)

On 26th August, the Chair of Pharmaceutical Working Group led a European Chamber delegation to visit the Division of the International Cooperation of the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA). The Division director welcomed delegates from the Chamber and expressed appreciations for chamber’s support to the NHSA.

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2021-08-26 > Beijing

Comment on SAMR’s Draft Announcement on Further Regulating the Labelling of Infant Formula Milk Powder Products

The State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) recently released Draft Announcement on Further Regulating the Labelling of Infant Formula Milk Powder Products. The European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk summarized industry collated comments to SAMR.

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2021-08-25 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Chinese Academy of Social Science

On 25th August, European Chamber Energy Working Group representative met Mr Liu Qiang, Director of Research Office, Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Both sides planned to co-organise the next International Seminar on Belt and Road Initiative and Energy Connectivity in the second half of October 2021.

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2021-08-25 > Beijing

Meeting with CFSA on the Draft of National Food Safety Standard Milk Protein

China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) held a meeting on the draft of National Food Safety Standard Milk Protein to discuss comments received in the previous public consultation. European Chamber participated the meeting and shared members' comment on the draft.

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2021-08-25 > All chapters

Living a Green Life for the Future

In order to let all staff and members better understand such state strategy and present green policies for consumer-end activities and call on all staff and members to do our parts and take the social responsibility of reducing emission and saving energy, the European Chamber is very pleased to invite the experts from PRCEE of MEE.

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2021-08-23 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to NMPA on Supervision and Administration Measures on Cosmetics Manufacture

Cosmetics Desk submitted a lobby letter to NMPA on "Supervision and Administration Measures on Cosmetics Manufacture".

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2021-08-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with the Director General of the Foreign Trade Department, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), on Policy Recommendations for the Development of China's Digital Economy.

The European Chamber, represented by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Working Group, attended a MOFCOM celebrated meeting to provide policy recommendations to ameliorating China's digital economic landscape.

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