Advocacy Actions

2015-01-13 > All chapters

Submit Comments/Recommendations to CFDA Different Departments jointly with CAMDI

Submit Comments/Recommendations to CFDA Different Departments jointly with CAMDI

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2015-01-07 > All chapters

Seminar on the Medical Software (MSW) Review Guidance to be published by CFDA

Seminar in preparation of drafting the CFDA's guidelines for evaluation of Medical Software

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2015-01-07 > All chapters

CDMD GA Subgroup Meeting with the Department of Health of Shandong Province

Officials from the Provincial Department of Health and Members of the Chamber's CDMD desk exchanged information and opinions on the definition of Medical Service Items as well as the upcoming provincial tender for high-value consumable medical devices.

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2015-01-07 > All chapters

CDMD GA Subgroup Meeting with the Pricing Bureau of Shandong Province

The pricing bureau and delegates from the Medical Device Industry exchanged information about the trends in determining medical service items and their pricing

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2015-01-06 > All chapters

Meeting with the EU Delegation, Counsellors of Sante, Trade and Growth

Confirm regular meetings (e.g. market access meeting, eHealth round table):

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2015-01-04 > All chapters

Comments to CFDA's "Classification Rules for Medical Devices"

The Chamber submitted consolidated Comments to the "Principles of Classification of Medical Products" (Revised Draft) of the CFDA.
In a previous Call for Comments within the HCE Working Group, four member companies had forwarded their comments to the chamber.

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2010-05-25 > All chapters

Position Paper and Chamber Presentation to Finish CEOs and diplomats as part of the visit of Finish President H.E. Ms. Tarja Halonen

EUCCC Senior Business Manager Alex Bell made a presentation about the Position Paper and the Chamber to Finish CEOS and diplomats on May 25th.

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2010-05-21 > All chapters

Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industrial Federation

On 21st May, Deputy Director Wang met representatives from PCR Working Group of the European Chamber of Commerce inBeijing.

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2010-05-17 > All chapters

Conference Call with Members of SOGIS-MRA regarding China’s Information Security Policies

On May 17th, the Information Security Working Group had a conference call with members of SOGIS-MRA.

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