Advocacy Actions

2017-07-21 > All chapters

Comments on SAC's Draft of National Standard <Indicators for Green City>

In June, the Standardisation Administration of China (SAC) issued the National Standard <Indicators for Green City> for public consultation.

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2017-07-20 > All chapters

Comments on AQSIQ's Draft of Measures for the Administration of Certification Agencies

In June, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council both issued the Measures for the Administration of Certification Agencies for public consultation.

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2017-07-04 > All chapters

Letter to Medical Insurance Department of MOHRSS on Drug Renaming in NRDL

Letter to Medical Insurance Department of MOHRSS on Drug Renaming in NRDL

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2017-07-04 > All chapters

The 10th Year China Anti-monopoly Legislation Review & Anticipation Conference

The 10th Year China Anti-monopoly Legislation Review & Anticipation Conference was Held in Beijing

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2017-05-25 > All chapters

Comments on CFDA's Announcement 52, 53, 54, 55 on Encouraging Innovation in Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices

European Chamber Pharmaceutical Working Group submitted comments on CFDA's Announcement No. 52, 53, 54, 55 on encouraging innovation in pharmaceutical and medical device.

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2017-05-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Director General Yu Binyang of MOHURD

Mr Javier Lopez, National Chair of Chamber's Construction Working Group, along with two National Vice Chairs of Construction Working Group had an exlusive meeting Director General Yu Binyang of MOHURD who is in charge of Center of Science and Technoloy and Industrialization Development and Center of Housing Industrialization.

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2017-05-22 > All chapters

Government Meeting with the Research Institute of Highway, MOT

Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information Methods for Auto Industry

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2017-05-18 > All chapters

Government Meeting with the Rural Work Committee, Beijing Municipal Government

The meeting revolves around introduction of the European Heating Industry China Initiative and its work in China.

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2017-05-15 > All chapters

Meeting with Environmental Standards Institute of MEP

The Chamber conducted a dialogue with the Environmental Standards Institute of MEP on interpretation of China's environmental management system and standards.

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2017-05-11 > All chapters

Meeting with EU Delegation to China and CCUD on URBAN-EU-CHINA Programme

Chamber's Vice President, Mr Massimo Bagnasco addressed at the meeting on URBAN-EU-China Programme organized by the EU Delegation to China.

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