Advocacy Actions

2015-05-05 > Shanghai

Meeting with Vice Minister of Agriculture of Czech Republic

Meeting with Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

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2015-04-30 > Shanghai

Meeting with Anhui Provincial Commerce Bureau DDG Yang Benqing

Meeting with Anhui Provincial Commerce Bureau DDG Yang Benqing

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2015-04-29 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Justice Bureau Deputy Director General Wang Xie

Meeting with Shanghai Justice Bureau Deputy Director General Wang Xie

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2015-04-27 > Shanghai

Official Launch of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Expansion

Official Launch of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Expansion

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2015-04-27 > Shanghai

Call For Comments:Disclosure of Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information (Internal Paper)

Disclosure of Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Information (Internal Paper)

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2015-04-24 > All chapters

Provide a briefing to EUD on "Buy China" Initiatives issue

Provide a briefing to EUD on "Buy China" Initiatives issue

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2015-04-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with NDRC and CFDA on Regulations for Registration Fee of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices that is in drafting

Roundtable with NDRC and CFDA on Medical Device Registration Fee to be charged

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2015-04-23 > All chapters

Meeting with CCFDIE on China International Medical Device Regulatory (CIMDR) Forum

COCIR was invited by China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange (CCFDIE) of CFDA for the kick-off meeting for CIMDR VI in Y2015, especially for the Medical Imaging sub-forum.

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2015-04-22 > Shanghai

Shanghai High People’s Court Press Conference on IP Judicial Protection

Shanghai High People’s Court Press Conference on IP Judicial Protection

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2015-04-21 > Shanghai

Meeting with Mrs. Mieke Vandestraeten, Counsellor of the Trade section, EU Delegation in China 21 April 2015

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) , Presentation by Mrs. Mieke Vandestraeten, Counselor of the Trade section, EU Delegation to China

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