Advocacy Actions

2020-02-28 > All chapters

HE Ambassador Zhang Ming, Mission of PRC to the EU, Hosts Webinar with European Chamber on COVID-19’s Impact on European Business in China

At 4pm on 28th February (Beijing time), a webinar, jointly organised by the Mission of People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the European Union and the European Chamber, took place – an unprecedented event in the history of relations between the two sides. HE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Zhang Ming and Minister Xia Xiang, Economic and Business Department, hosted the webinar and listened to the challenges currently being faced by European business during the COVID-19 outbreak period.

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2020-02-28 > All chapters

Comments to the NHC on National Food Safety Standard Good Manufacturing Practice for Milk Products (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the National Health Commission (NHC)'s decision to collect opinions on the Good Manufacturing Practices for Milk Products (Draft for Comments). Upon careful study of the draft, the European Chamber Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Paediatric Nutrition Desk, Food for Special Medical Purposes Advisory Committee, and Cheese Desk has collated all member inputs and submitted them to the NHC for their consideration.

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2020-02-26 > All chapters

Webinar with Ms. Zhang Hanrong, Head of Business Certification Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) on the Certificate Regarding Force Majeure Facts Due to the Outbreak of COVID-19

On 26th February, the European Chamber had a webinar with Ms. Zhang Hanrong, Head of Business Certification Center, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Mr. Ian Lewis, Partner of Mayer Brown to explain "force majeure" from the perspective of People's Republic of China (PRC) General Rules on the Civil Law and Contract Law. And the Certificate Regarding Force Majeure Facts due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

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2020-02-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Lobby Letter to the CBIRC on the Regulation of Reinsurance Companies

On 24st February the European Chamber’s Insurance Working Group sent a lobby letter to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on the Regulation on the Establishment of Reinsurance Companies (Baojianhuiling [2002] 4) and the Regulation of the Reinsurance Business Management (Baojianhuiling 2010:8, revised in 2015).

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2020-02-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Division Chief of the Policy Research Centre of the China Centre for the Promotion of SME Development (ProSME), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)

The European Chamber invited Ms. Xuanyi Song, division chief of the Policy Research Centre at the China Centre for the Promotion of SME Development (ProSME), to talk to our members about the latest updates in policies from China to helping Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) survive the impacts on their business during the crisis brought by COVID-19.

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2020-02-18 > All chapters

Summary of Challenges for European Business due to the Outbreak of the COVID-19

Upon request of the China Committee of Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the European Chamber has reached out to working group members to collect feedback on the impact on business due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). More than 100 companies from different sectors provided feedback.

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2020-02-18 > Beijing, Shanghai

Discussion between EUCCC Financial Services representatives and the European Central Bank on the outbreak of COVID-19

On 18th February, the EU Chamber facilitated a telephone call between representatives of A/C Member Banks and the European Central Bank (ECB) on the outbreak of the COVID-19 in China.

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2020-02-13 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to CBIRC on Measures on Implementing Administrative Licensing Items for Non-Banking Financial Institutions

On 13th February, the European Chamber’s Consumer Finance and Non-Banking Financial Institutions Working Group submitted comments to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) on Measures on Implementing Administrative Licensing Items for NBFIs (Draft for Comment).

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