Advocacy Actions

2016-03-02 > Shanghai

Meeting with Chairman of Shanghai Commercial Mediation Center on Future Cooperation

Meeting with Ms. Zhang Wei, Chairman of Shanghai Commercial Mediation Center, on Future Cooperation

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2016-02-26 > All chapters

Handed overcapacity study to Cabinet of Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem, DG TRADe

Joerg Wuttke, President handed overcapacity study to Cabinet of Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem, DG TRADe on 26th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-26 > South China

Meeting with Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Zone

Companies which set their headquarters in Nansha Free Trade Zone will have access to a series of favorable policies and incentives, such as enterprise settlement award, economic contribution award and office use subsidy informed Fangqi Li, Vice-Chef Economist of Nansha FTZ during the visit of members of the European Chamber on February 26th. There were over 50 European companies participating in this meeting.

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2016-02-25 > Tianjin

Government talk on KRs of Tianjin Position Paper

Working meeting on KRs of Tianjin Position Paper together with relevant governments

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2016-02-25 > All chapters

Handed overcapacity study to Vice-President Jyrki Katainen

Joerg Wuttke, President handed overcapacity study to Vice-President Jyrki Katainen on 25th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-25 > All chapters

Handed overcapacity study to members of the Parliament Mr. Jo Leinen

Joerg Wuttke, President handed overcapacity study to members of the Parliament Mr. Jo Leinen, Chair of the Delegation for Relations with PRC and MEP Buetikofer on 25th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-25 > All chapters

Participation in conference organised by the European Political Strategy Centre

Joerg Wuttke, President participated in conference organised by the European Political Strategy Centre and met Ann Mettler, Head of EPSC and Vice-President Jyrki Kataine on 25th February in Brussels.

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2016-02-17 > Shanghai

Comments on Vehicle Sales Management Methods

After collecting comments and opinions from our members on Vehicle Sales Management Methods, Mr. Kevin Fang arranged the suggestions corresponding to each item and submitted them to MOFCOM and asked for further opinions.

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2016-02-16 > Shanghai

Meeting with Deputy Director of the Division of Maritime Transport Development, Shanghai Transport Commission, on Shanghai's 13th Five Year Plan on Shipping Center Initiative

European Chamber Shanghai GA staff met Deputy Director of the Division of Maritime Transport Development, Shanghai Transport Commission, on Shanghai's 13th Five Year Plan on Shipping Center Initiative

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2016-02-04 > Beijing, South China

Comments on the Draft "Regulations on Hospital Procurement of Consumable Medical Devices" in Foshan

Foshan (Guangdong Province) is a city selected as trial basis for China's healthcare reform. As such, Foshan is going to establish its own purchasing system for disposable medical devices.

The comments to Foshan's draft procurement regulations, formulated by the Chamber's CDMD (Consumable and Disposable Medical Devices) Advisory Committee, refer to technical details of the tendering.

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