Advocacy Actions

2022-12-15 > Beijing, Shanghai

AFB and Carbon Market Joint WG Meeting with the Netherlands Embassy on the Progress and Prospects for Agricultural Decarbonisation

On 15th December, the European Chamber’s Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group and the Carbon Market Sub-Working Group organized a joint meeting on the progress and prospects for decarbonisation in the agriculture sector, where the Agricultural Counselor of Netherlands Embassy presented an overview of the agricultural sector in the Netherlands, highlighting the Dutch agricultural markets, greenhouse gas emissions, and the country's innovative land management approaches to reducing emissions.

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2022-09-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Policy Interpretation of the Regulation of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests given by Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Held a Workshop with Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation for Policy Interpretation of Shanghai Regulation on the Protection of Consumer Interests.

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2022-09-09 > All chapters

European Chamber Attended CCPIT 2022 Third-quarter Roundtable with Foreign Businesses

On 9th September, European Chamber attended the quarterly online roundtable with foreign chambers and enterprises for the third quarter of 2022, hosted by the Department of Development Research of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2022-07-22 > Beijing, Shanghai

Group meeting with CIFST

The Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group held a working group meeting together with CIFST about T/CIFST 002—2021 "General Principles of Plant-Based Foods.

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2022-07-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on the Measures for Administration and Protection of Collective Trademarks and Certification Trademarks (Draft for Comment)

On 20th July, the European Chamber submitted comments to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on the Measures for Administration and Protection of Collective Trademarks and Certification Trademarks (Draft for Comment).

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2022-06-24 > All chapters

European Chamber AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, FSMP Advisory Committee and PN Desk submitted letters to the NHC and SARM on GB7718

On 24th June 2022, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Food for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP) Advisory Committee (AC) and Paediatric Nutrition (PN) Desk submitted letters to the National Health Commission (NHC) and the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) to address the concerns on the newly introduced requirement on labelling respectively.

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2022-06-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (Draft for Comments)

On 7th June, the European Chamber submitted comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (Draft for Comments).

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2022-05-13 > All chapters

CCPIT Online Roundtable on Current Situation of Foreign Investment in China

On 13th May, the Department of Development Research of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the European Chamber co-organised an online roundtable on the situation for European business in China under the recent COVID-19 containment measures.

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2020-11-16 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to the SAMR on Terminology and Classification of Alcoholic Beverages (draft for approval)

The AFB WG submitted comments on the Terminology and Classification of Alcoholic Beverages (draft for approval) to the SAMR.

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2020-11-04 > Shanghai

Meeting with Mr. Damien Plan, Counsellor for Agriculture, EUD and Mr. François Blanc, Counsellor for Agriculture, French Embassy

AFB WG key members had a meeting with Mr. Damien Plan, Counsellor for Agriculture, EUD and Mr. François Blanc, Counsellor for Agriculture, French Embassy and presented some current issues that they have.

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