Advocacy Actions

2023-06-28 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with EEAS Secretary General Sannino

On 28th June, European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Stefano Sannino.

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2023-06-13 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets Director for Asia and Oceania at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 13th June European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with Karin Mössenlechner, Director for Asia and Oceania at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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2023-06-10 > Tianjin

DDG of Tianjin Commerce Bureau He Zhineng Delivered an Opening Speech at 3rd Football Tournament of Tianjin Chapter

On 10 June 2023, He Zhineng, Deputy Director General of Tianjin Commerce Bureau participated in the opening of Tianjin Chapter 3rd Football Tournament and delivered a speech. He recognized the important role of the European Chamber for the local business environment and highlighted the positive spirits brought by the community activities organized by the Tianjin Chapter. Dr. Christoph Schrempp, Chair of Tianjin Chapter and Mr. Bernd Averes, Vice Chair of Tianjin Chapter, Ms. Catherine Guo, General Manager of Tianjin Chapter participated the opening ceremony.

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2023-05-25 > Southwest China

The China (Chongqing)-EU Economic, Trade, and Cultural Cooperation Seminar

On 25th May 2023, European Chamber Southwest China Chapter Chair Massimo Bagnasco led member companies to attend China (Chongqing)-EU Economic, Trade, and Cultural Cooperation Seminar, which held by the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government.

EU delegation, European chamber, and Chongqing government have briefed the key messages, which below:

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2023-05-24 > All chapters

President Jens Eskelund Speaks at the Global Trade and Investment Promotion Summit

On 24th May 2023, the newly elected European Chamber President Jens Eskelund was invited to join the “Global Trade and Investment Promotion Summit” organised by the China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

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2023-04-18 > Southwest China

Meeting with Ms. Wang Jue, Deputy Director General of Chongqing Commission of Commerce

On 18th April 2023, European Chamber Southwest China Chapter General Manager Sally Huang led Chongqing team to have VIP meeting with Chongqing Commission of Commerce Deputy Director Ms. Wang Jue and key discussion points as below.

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2023-04-14 > Tianjin

Meeting with Chief Division of Environment and Decarbonization Department of Tianjin DRC Chen Weizhong

On 14 April 2023, the European Chamber Tianjin Chapter met with Chen Weizhong, Division Chief of Environment and Decarbonization Department, Tianjin DRC on the city's overall plan of decarbonization. Catherine Guo, General Manager of Tianjin Chapter, together with members including Veolia, Air Liquid joint the afternoon meeting.

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2023-04-13 > Southwest China

Meeting with Meishan City Party Secretary Hu Yuankun

On April 13th, 2023, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke with the Vice Presidents Massimo Bagnasco, Jens Eskelund, Carlo D’Andrea, Chamber Secretary General Adam Dunnett and Southwest China Chapter General Manager Sally Huang had a VIP meeting with Meishan City Party Secretary Hu Yuankun. The Party Secretary Hu Yuankun introduced Meishan City and its economic and social development and also expectation on EUCCC being the bridge to promote Meishan and introduce more members to Meishan. Chamber side, both the President and Vice Presidents made speeches and voiced out the members' concerns including business environment, climate change, carbon neutrality, service industry and individual income tax deduction for foreigners etc.. Two sides had constructive discussions and the meeting was finished with group photo shooting.

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2023-03-22 > Southwest China

Exclusive VIP Meeting with Meishan Mayor Huang He

On 22nd March 2023, Southwest China Chapter Chairman Massimo Bagnasco and the General Manager Sally Huang led a delegation over 50 members to visit Meishan City (hometown of famous poet Su DongPo) including smart city zone and Tongwei Group, then had an exclusive VIP meeting with the Mayor Huang He.

During the Meeting, Meishan mayor Huang He welcomed our delegation, introduced Meishan overview and development plan then Southwest China Chapter Chairman Massimo Bagnasco thanked Meishan government great host and introduced European Chamber and Southwest China Chapter. Also voiced out the key concerns on European business. Both sides agreed to enhance the cooperation and stronger relationship in the future.

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2023-03-22 > Southwest China

Meeting with Member of the Standing Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Meishan Municipal Committee Lu Li

On 22nd March 2023, Southwest China Chapter Chair Massimo Bagnasco and the General Manager Sally Huang led a delegation over 50 members to visit Meishan City (hometown of famous poet Su DongPo). A symposium was held in the afternoon. At the symposium, Lu Li, Member of the Standing Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Meishan Municipal Committee, talked about the close contact between Meishan and the European people, frequent economic and trade exchanges, especially in areas such as cultural mutual learning, exchanges and visits, and opportunities sharing, which have a joint point of deepening cooperation. He pointed out that the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is an influential information sharing platform for European enterprises in China, a key bridge and an important channel for cooperation between China and the European Union. He hoped that through this visit, the Chamber could join hands and integrate more into Meishan, an investment hot spot located in the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Circle, the "Circle in Circle" and "Nuclear in Core" of the metropolitan area, and promote project cooperation between the two sides in a broader field, Accelerate the high-quality development of industries between the two regions and achieve win-win cooperation.

Massimo Bagnasco pointed out that China EU cooperation in culture, trade, services, industry and other aspects has a long history and is of great significance to the world today. European Chamber is willing to become a bridge between the government and enterprises of China and Europe. He stated that Meishan has a clear advantage in transportation location, and the degree of urban openness and vitality is commendable. The Chamber will actively promote the industrial development and investment environment of Meishan. He believes that through the joint efforts of the Chamber and Meishan, more European institutions and enterprises will enter Meishan, achieving continuous dialogue and deepening cooperation in multiple fields such as industrial manufacturing, cultural services, trade and e-commerce, promoting open development, and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

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