Advocacy Actions

2019-04-26 > All chapters

Chamber IPR Working Group Chair Presents at Intellectual Property Protection and International Business Environment Optimization Forum 2019

Chair of the European Chamber Intellectual Property Rights Working Group, Lin Xu was invited to the 2019 Intellectual Property Protection and International Business Environment Optimization Forum, and delivered a keynote speech on the theme of “New Developments in European Intellectual Property Protection”.

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2019-04-17 > Beijing, Southwest China

Meeting with Vice Governor of Sichuan

On 17th April, the vice governor of Sichuan Provincial Government, Mr Wang Yihong, received a delegation from the European Chamber led by Vice President (VP) Massimo Bagnasco. Local Chair Paul Sives also joined the meeting.

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2019-04-16 > Beijing, Southwest China

Roundtable Discussion with Sichuan Government on Business Environment in Sichuan

On 16th April, European Chamber delegates met with officials of Sichuan provincial government to discuss the business environment in Sichuan.

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2019-04-12 > Southwest China

Exclusive Meeting with the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government

On 12th April, European Chamber Southwest China Chapter Vice Chair Mr Dominik Widmer, together with chapter board members and member representatives, attended an exclusive meeting with Mr Li Qian, the new director general of the Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government.

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2019-04-10 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Lobby Letter on the draft Measures for the Administration of Mandatory National Standards

On 10th April, the European Chamber's Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group submitted a lobby letter to the State Administration on Market Regulation regarding its draft Measures for the Administration of Mandatory National Standards.

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2019-04-09 > All chapters

Comments to Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on Safety Management Regulations for Biotechnology Research and Development (Call for Comments)

Following the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)' s ’s call for comments on the Safety Management Regulations for Biotechnology Research and Development (Call for Comments), and upon circulation of the draft within relevant working groups, the European Chamber has collated all member inputs and submitted to MOST.

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2019-03-31 > Beijing, South China

Comments to the Guangzhou Health Security Administration on Draft Ammendments of "Guangzhou Health Insurance Regulations"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Guangzhou Health Security Administration (Guangzhou HSA) on Draft Ammendments of "Guangzhou Health Insurance Regulations".

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2019-03-29 > All chapters

Meeting with the Norwegian Ethics Information Committee Delegation

Representative of the European Chamber CSR Forum met with the delegation of the Norwegian Ethics Information Committee regarding the Responsible Business Conduct and its understanding in China.

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2019-03-11 > South China

European Chamber South China Chapter Meeting with CCPIT Xiamen Committee

On March 11th, Vice Chairman of CCPIT Xiamen Mr. Yan Zhiping led a delegation of 4 visited the European Chamber South China Chapter office and met with Mr. Peter Helis, Vice Chair of European Chamber South China Chapter and a board member company representiative. During the meeting, CCPIT introduced the advantagous indutries in Xiamen and expressed strong interest to work with the European Chamber in bringing member delegations to Xiamen.

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Comments to NPC on the Foreign Investment Law (Draft)

On February 22, the European Chamber, on behalf of members companies, submitted the collated Comments on the draft Foreign Investment Law to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC).

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