Advocacy Actions

2023-07-24 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet with EU Delegation Counsellor for the Internal Market Frank Schmiedel

On 24th July the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group met with EU Delegation Counsellor for the Internal Market Frank Schmiedel.

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2023-07-21 > All chapters

Chair of the Quality and Safety Services meets Counsellor for the Internal Market at the EU Delegation to China

On 21st July Danfeng Jiang, Chair of the Quality and Safety Services Sub-Working Group, met with Frank Schmiedel, EU Delegation to China Counsellor for the Internal Market.

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2023-07-21 > Shanghai, Southwest China

Meeting with the Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government

On July 21st, Met with Ms. Tan Min from the Development Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government.

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2023-07-17 > All chapters

European Chamber submits feedback to the EU Delegation on Cross-Border Data Transfer

On 13th and 17th July, following up on a meeting with EU Delegation counsellor Michael de Boer, the European Chamber submitted additional material on challenges faced by European businesses on cross-border data transfer.

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2023-07-05 > All chapters

Meeting with Secretary General of the China Chamber of Commerce in the European Union

On 5th July 2023, Mr. Fang Dongkui, the Secretary General of China Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (CCCEU) visited European Chamber Beijing office and was received by Mr. Adam Dunnett, the Secretarty General of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.

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2023-06-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets Director-General for DG TRADE Sabine Weyand

On 30th June European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met European Commission Director-General for Trade Sabine Weyand.

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2023-06-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's Trade Advisor

On 30th June European Chamber President met with Tomas Baert, Trade Advisor to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

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2023-06-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with representatives from ERT

On 30th June European Chamber President Jens Eskelund met with representatives from the European Round Table of Industrialists.

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2023-06-30 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with the China team at DG TRADE

On 30th June European Chamber President met with the DG TRADE China team.

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2023-06-29 > Southwest China

VIP Meeting with Chengdu Mayor Wang Fengchao

On June 29th 2023, Massimo Bagnasco, vice president (VP) of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and chair of the Southwest China Chapter, led a delegation of European Chamber members to meeting with Mr Wang Fengchao, mayor of Chengdu Municipal People’s Government. The Chamber members also attended the 17th European Union (EU)-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair in Chengdu from 30th June to 1st July 2023.

In the meeting, Mayor Wang Fengchao gave a general overview of Chengdu city and its economic and social development, including factors such as population and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. He noted that there are 13 direct flights between Chengdu and Europe, and that the EU is Chengdu’s third largest trade partner. Of the 22 consulates in Chengdu, seven are from EU Member States. Mayor Wang Fengchao suggested establishing regular dialogue with European Chamber in order to hear about members’ issues in a timely manner.

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